about albatts
The European workforce will be disrupted or highly affected by the change brought about by the transfer to electromobility. There will be a need for new training/ reskilling programmes, adapted to the emerging jobs needs.
The Alliance for Batteries Technology, Training and Skills (ALBATTS) aims to be a major contribution to the green mobility in Europe. As the European battery value chain is being developed, organisations from the demand and supply side of skills/competences are brought together, to establish a blueprint for preparedness of future skills across Europe.
VET providers and Universities will work in coordination with the demand side in order to identify and develop the relevant competences required to fulfil their economic activity. The bridging with national authorities will be permanent to assure inclusion of produced curricula and learning materials into the national qualification frameworks. Appropriate measures and education and training materials are to be prepared according to local or horizontal context.
- Start of the project: December 2019
- End of the project: December 2023
- Funded by the Erasmus+ Sector Skills Alliances Programme with a budget of €3 985 074
- Follow us on Facebook (Project Albatts), Linkedin (Project Albatts) and Twitter (@ALBATTS1)