
ALBATTS & ASA in Mangualde, Portugal
ALBATTS & ASA in Mangualde, Portugal
Capitalising on our trip to Porto, we travelled to Mangualde to hold a meeting at the Mangualde Town Hall with the Mayor Marco Almeida, the vice-Mayor João Cruz and other members of the Town Hall.
Several stakeholders representing the industrial cluster, education (IPV and VET schools), sector associations and entrepreneurs also attended this meeting, where ALBATTS Coordinator Anders Norberg and Automotive Skills Alliance (ASA) President Jakub Stolfa presented the activities and achievements of the project and these were the basis for discussions on possible cooperation.
In the same day, we had the opportunity of doing guided visits to:
- Mangual-Técnica, a part manufacturer, mainly for Bosch production ecosystem, including for the automotive sector;
- An Innov@tive Classroom Lab for vocational training where the concept and associated projects and initiatives were presented and discussed with the purpose of creating synergies with ALBATTS and ASA training materials.
- Mangualde Stellantis car production plant. Stellantis acknowledged the potential of the education materials already developed by ALBATTS and their availability through ASA Framework. It was also recognised that these were an asset to value for the required trainings to prepare the upcoming production of electric vehicles and battery assembly, planned for the end of 2024.
Mangualde, ALBATTS and ASA agreed to establish the way forward to build on the ALBATTS training courses and let the local VET schools prepare the required workforce at regional level. The organisation of a visit connected to the spinoff of the BaTT Forum for training the trainers to the Innov@tive Classroom Lab is also envisaged.